Nestled in the foothills of the Massachusetts Berkshires… Keldaby

Early farmers in these rocky hills depended upon sheep for their livelihood. Today at Keldaby we raise gentle angora goats. From these beautiful animals we harvest mohair for the luxurious yarns we use in our ruanas, shawls, Western Isles hoods, throws and active winterwear.

Twice a year, in spring just days before the tiny kids are born, and again in autumn as the nights begin to draw us in, our shearer arrives and we head out to the barn, coffee cups in hand. As the shearer clips, we sort and skirt the mohair fleeces, separating the super fine kid fleece from the older fleeces, Now we can plainly see – and feel – the results of our careful nutritional and breeding programs. The raw fleeces to to the spinnery where the mohair is washed and blended with fine wool for extra spring and loft. Once our yarn comes back to us we dye it in colors inspired by our New England seasons: the resplendent hues of summer gardens, the brilliance of autumn leaves, the cool blue-lavender skies of winter, the soft green promise of a northern spring. The final step brings us to our looms where we design the patterns to set off our dazzling colors. Now it only remains to wrap yourself in mohair – light enough to float under a cool August moon, yet warm enought to hold off the chill of a deep winter’s night.