Here at Keldaby we raise the beautiful, gentle and shyly friendly angora goats that provide Moonshine Design with the cloudsoft and highly lustrous mohair used in our fine selection of hand dyed, hand woven goods. Wrap yourself in a throw, toss a scarf or shawl around your shoulders or luxuriate in our fabulous ruanas. Step back to a more romantic era in a Western Isles hood. Discover the magic of mohair socks dyed in every color of the rainbow.
This is my second attempt to add photos of my watercolors. The previous–a “page” not a “post”–seems to be inaccessible and I wonder if I will ever comprehend how to do this! So I’m just going to go ahead a create a new post and hope it can be found easily. Most of these watercolors can be purchased and many are available as 5 x 7 cards.
Summer at KeldabyBlue Moon Night
Here are scenes of Colrain followed by some of Sicily, some of Orkney and finally a few of Oaxaca where I visited this past May. More–and older–watercolors can be found at Adventures in Watercolor.
Peaceable Hill FarmSnowy DayOrange Ball: Up Franklin HillM’s PlaceFirst BaptistBill’s Garden
Just a Memory Now Siracusa HarborMoonrise Over the Ring of BrodgarOaxaca Street with IsabelleBright StorefrontsMuseum of Culture
What fun this is! Would I ever have gotten here without Covid19 I wonder? The isolation has removed all the pressures of dyeing yarns, weaving, knitting in anticipation of upcoming shows. So far shows have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely (and really, I do have enough stock should there be a sudden reversal!) Here are some more of my watercolors.
These were done this winter when the living room was toasty warm and all I had to do was move from one chair to another for a different perspective.
I also drove out and photographed a few places just so I’d have some more potential drawings to do.
Around and about Colrain Massachusetts
Of course I did some right from my own yard
Of course, there are my cats, both of whom have died leaving me bereft and needing to find another wonderful brother-sister pair. The little calico was Muizza (named for Mohammed’s kitten who fell asleep in his arms so he had to cut the sleeve off his robe in order to go to pray without waking her.) The tiger was Mischa Mouseky (Named for the cellist Mischa Maisky.)
And I have a few from recent trips to Spain and Italy (even if I didn’t get to go to Sicily this spring!)
Also one more from Stromness. Gulls having retrieved lambchop remains fly off
If Covid-19 has done nothing else, it has given me permission to spend time drawing. Now, I am no artist! I’ve never taken a formal class though I have watched a number of sketching and drawing classes that are offered through The Great Courses, which I highly recommend. (Some are available through Kanopy, a wonderful public library streaming site.)
This is my first attempt at reviving my blog and it turns out I’ve pretty much forgotten how to do it! Right now I am trying to figure out how to insert photographs.
It was windy and cold at the Kirbuster Farm this day!
We emerge from Olaf’s WoodThe last morning in Stromness and it’s up to Brinkie’s Brae